Monday, October 16, 2006

Best TV Season ever?

I'm sure I'll look back on this post at some point and think, "What an idiot!" but this really does feel like an exceptional TV season right now. I can't remember ever adding so many new shows to our "Record recurring" PVR list, nor have I ever been as interested in the shows as I've tended to be this year. Usually there's a mild degree of interest (I wonder what crazy case those CSI guys will solve this week?) but if we missed one, shrug. I'm sure it's simply the episodic nature of what's being churned out this season, but I find I actually eagerly anticipate seeing new developments in most of these shows now. And the case of the week approach of, say Law and Order, while still interesting, just isn't grabbing me.

After year after year of that distinctive odour of crap, it seems like there could be a breath of fresh air blowing off my TV this year. He says prematurely, only about 5 weeks into the new season...


Tammy said...

It's pretty great. I love Heroes SO much. Great episode tonight.

Kimota94 aka Matt aka AgileMan said...

That final scene with "Hiro from the future" gave me goosebumps! But we both know how much I love time travel stories... IF THEY'RE DONE WELL!! And I was so right about Peter's power being that he mimics the power of anyone around him (I have two witnesses that I said that before tonight's episode), but I'm amazed he picked up on it so quickly.