Friday, December 14, 2007

Big Storm Coming

One of the local radio stations was reporting this morning that a big winter storm is headed this way ("... from Texas"!) It's always hard to guess how these things will play out, as sometimes they're right on the money, and other times they're way overblown. But being a conservative person by nature (when it comes to taking risks), I've laid out my weekend with the assumption that anything involving the outdoors that I need to do will be done by noon on Saturday! That includes buying a new pair of winter boots - the current ones are falling apart - visiting a co-worker friend, and getting a few groceries. Once that's done, I'm hoping to act like a shut-in for good reason for the rest of the weekend!

Tammy's safely back in Toronto with her new car (new for her, anyway) and will no doubt be celebrating her 21st birthday tonight with friends (family's so passe now for such things when you get to a certain age). We were both glad that she was getting that little trip home out of the way before any dicey weather arrived, because why take silly chances?

Last Saturday I was all prepared to play video games for the day, but was way too sick for any such fun. Maybe this weekend I'll get to make up for it! I'm almost to the point where I don't completely stink at Halo 3, but not quite. Perhaps a snowbound weekend is just what I need... especially if it stretches right through Monday!!


Anonymous said...

I hope I don't get stuck downtown in the blizzard tonight. Bah.

Kimota94 aka Matt aka AgileMan said...

Maybe you should stay in and study for your accounting exam!

(Yeah, like that could happen!)

Anonymous said...

A reason to be a shut-in....big bad snowstorm! I guess this means when we retire we're never moving to warm climes!