Wednesday, December 19, 2007

I Feel Lucky

(No, not that way!)

Today, at work, someone sold an "extra" XBox 360 that he'd found himself with (no idea what that story was, and it doesn't matter). What made me feel fortunate was the fact that it was essentially the same model as I have (although new, not slightly used like mine), with no headset (as I got) and only 3 games (compared to the 10 or so I received), and yet it went for more than 50% over what I paid for mine!

Thanks again to Boneman for making my purchase happen, especially now that I've been getting some actual use out of it (which I didn't for the first couple weeks, thanks to other time commitments and travel).


Boneman8 said...

It was a pleasure to broker the deal!! As you will recall, the whole purpose of it was so that my father-in-law, the seller, wanted to offset the cost of his newly acquired PlayStation 3.

I can say that he has, on pretty much every occasion that I see him (typically 4 times a week anyways), said that R:FoM is a fantastic game and he loves it. We are both, completely separately, working our way through the offline campaign and will soon meet on the battlefield.

Kimota94 aka Matt aka AgileMan said...

R:FoM wasn't # 2 on my all-time favourite video game list for nothing!

Give it a few more months and I may just play it all the way through in Campaign mode once again... for the 3rd time! I just need to forget a bit more about the levels to make it less familiar.