Thursday, June 21, 2007

Brain-dead Blogger Blathers 'Bout Bart-death & Back-from-dead-Wally

I've got my laptop back - temporarily, as one of the issues with it hasn't been fixed yet - but don't have a lot of brain cells left functioning right now, after my second day this week with the Agile Consultant. Each of the last two workdays have been about 9 hours long, without a break - they extended through lunch - and that sort of thing always leaves me drained.

Lots of comic news this week, what with the JLA/JSA/Legion storyline wrapping up - in a very strange fashion that left me quite unsatisfied - with Wally "Flash" West returning from the Speed Force (and here I thought he'd died!) and Flash # 13 featuring the death of the current Flash, Bart Allen. Weirdly, Barry Allen - the Flash I'd hoped might be coming back from the dead - showed up ever so briefly in the JLA story, just long enough for Batman to think that his old friend was finally going to cheat death. The last lingering bit of hope for us Barry fans came in the 31st century, when most of the Legion members got back to their time period and had someone's essence with them, which might by the Silver Age Flash (or Bart's... or someone else's!) But the fact that the Legion's little lightning rods were somehow being used to bring Wally - and wife and kids! - out of the Speed Force where they'd been lost, made little or no sense in conjunction with how the rods were originally used: to transfer the life energy from a living person into a dead body, as a way of reviving it. How the Hell does that relate to using them to pull an entire family out of the Speed Force? (And why were the Legion members acting like they'd die in the process, and yet none of them did?) It may only be silly comic book pseudo science, but couldn't it at least be consistent??

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