Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Exciting Comics Coming Out Tomorrow (Jun 5th Edition)

Here it is:

Buffy the Vampire Slayer # 4 - Concluding Joss Whedon's initial storyline for the Eighth Season, it hardly seems like all of the plot threads can be wrapped up in one issue, but we'll see. It's certainly been a good read - and ride! - so far. And Brian K. Vaughan's up next!

And that's it... one of the meagerest (most meager?) weeks in recent memory. I'll be buying a grand total of 7 comics this week, with only the Buffinator really qualifying as exciting. Uncanny X-Men # 487, by Ed Brubaker, almost makes the list, but UXM is the weakest of the Bru titles and not quite up to the high bar.

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