Monday, June 25, 2007


Today started with an event I'd hoped to go my entire life and never be a part of: a backed up toilet overflowing out of the bowl, spilling its foul and dirty water onto the bathroom floor! It could've been a lot worse - we only got a little spillage - but it was bad enough to set the day off on a very bad footing.

I ended up deciding to work from home, because in the past when I've had days begin like that, they've only gotten worse once I got to the office. I avoided that scenario this time around, and instead had a productive day - by myself - digesting material from last week's Agile Consultant visit, among other things. I now have only eight working days left before the start of my long vacation, and am trying to figure out what to try to accomplish during that time. Anything I don't finish by July 6th will almost certainly die on the vine while I'm away, since there's no one I can really hand such things off to. I have a notion of what I'll take on, but have to work out some details about it before I can get started.

Over the weekend I also decided that I'll go "off the grid" for this vacation, meaning that I won't be checking my work e-mail while off. I almost always keep in touch over my break, in that way, but don't plan to this time. There's no point in taking a five week sabbatical if I'm going to let work events continue to play through my brain the whole time. We'll see if I can stick to this resolution...

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