Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Is Writing All I Do Now?

I just spent the last hour finishing up a draft proposal on the new, more clearly-defined Customer Proxy position that we're thinking we need at work, following Agile 2007. I've been working on it for a couple days now, but my boss, the VP, made an excellent suggestion today that perhaps I should include a "Day in the Life" sample of what the role would entail. I hadn't even considered that as a means of painting a clearer picture, but loved it as soon as he said it (and not in a sycophant-like way!)

So that's what I just finished writing, in a very story-like manner! It certainly wasn't in the style that I'd write here, but it was still a tale, nonetheless! And as I finished it, I couldn't help but think, "Holy crap, I'm doing a lot of writing these days! If I keep this recent pace up, someday I might actually get good at it!"


Anonymous said...

So do we get to read this 'day in the life of a customer proxy' piece?

Kimota94 aka Matt aka AgileMan said...

Only if you're really, really good...

Anonymous said...

Since you know me fairly well... I'll take that as 'never' LOL