Thursday, March 13, 2008

Death To Hardcovers!

Having slept on the situation now, I've pretty much decided to forgo any hardcover copies of The Real-Life Adventures of AgileMan (Lessons Learned in Going Agile) rather than fiddle around and try to come up with a hardcover format that will work. Since the turnaround time on the printing and shipping of hardcovers is about twice what it is for the softer version, I can't really justify further delaying the release of my first ever book by several weeks while experimenting to work around something that I honestly think is just the byproduct of an arcane aspect of how Lulu converts Word docs into PDF form. An unsatisfying Instant Messenger conversation with Lulu Support last night convinced me that I'm not going to get any help from them in terms of solving what seems like a fairly simple issue with the hardcover PDF file. To which I say, "Whatever."

Vicki and I both really like the softcover version, and so that's what everyone who gets a copy will be carrying around shortly! That decision also shortens the remaining wait, since I should be able to get the full bulk order filled more quickly, once I place it (probably early next week, once the latest softcover version arrives and is checked out).


Anonymous said...

That's certainly the decision I would have made. Everyone likes soft copy better anyways! Makes for a better pillow

Kimota94 aka Matt aka AgileMan said...

Hey, if I was giving out soft copies, I could do it for free and just use e-mail!!

And are you suggesting my book as a pillow because of its tendency to put you to sleep? *sob*