Sunday, March 02, 2008

Wacky Flu Virus

Late last night, as Vicki and I were heading to bed after a couple hours of playing Portal on the XBox 360, I was suddenly overcome with violent chills that had me shivering uncontrollably. I eventually got back up, turned the heat up several degrees, threw another layer of clothes on, and then climbed back into bed where I continued to freeze my ass off for most of the night.

Today I thought that I was getting better, but then I was overcome with the same feeling in the afternoon, and headed off for a long nap under the same conditions. I have a few other mild flu symptoms, like aches and pains and a muddled thought process, but generally seem OK... except when I feel like I'm sitting in a deep-freeze refrigerator.

Weirdest flu I've ever had...

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