Saturday, March 15, 2008

The Next Project

Although the Agile book still isn't quite published (though I did get an e-mail overnight indicating that the latest proof copy is now in transit to me), I'm already starting to think about my next writing project. I'm 99% sure that it's going to be a collection of short stories. I've naturally got some material to start with, readable on this blog by simply clicking the My Stories label along the left edge of this page, but definitely want to produce a set of new stories for the collection, as well. My goal right now is that at least 1/3 of the book be new, although that may change once I get into it.

So what that means for this blog, for those few who might care, is that I won't be putting any new short story material here for the foreseeable future. The one exception to that statement, of course, will be the final chapter of Imaginary Stories, which will go up as post # 1500, sometime in the next couple of weeks. (I'll have to think of some new way to mark the "hundreds" in terms of # of posts, but that's a challenge for another day.)

Anyway, that's where my head will be at, once we get through the final few stages of pushing The Real-Life Adventures of AgileMan (Lessons Learned in Going Agile) out the door.

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