Saturday, March 08, 2008

Print Draft Take 2

This afternoon I made a bunch of small changes to the official copy of The Real-Life Adventures of AgileMan (Lessons Learned in Going Agile) that's stored at Lulu, and then ordered a new proof copy in softcover form. I figure the updated softcover should arrive fairly close to the hardcover version that I ordered over a week ago. Then I can check the latest changes, see what the original version looks like in hardcover, and hopefully, finally place the big order that will get some copies into other peoples' hands. My best estimate for that is currently the second week of April, but it's still a bit of a crap shoot.

So far I've spent about $70 on the first 3 copies, but I'm hoping the shipping costs will scale a little better once I begin ordering them in bulk. I'm anticipating a final total of around $600, which should get me 30 softcover copies and 10 hardcover ones. Since Vicki and I got our first weekly payout of $300 yesterday, and will get another one in less than a week, this particular self-gratification exercise of mine is already half paid-for! And of course, if I manage to actually sell any copies, then the $600 figure will just go down, as I'm pricing both versions such that each sale pays for a given-away copy. Not that I expect to sell any, but you never know.

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