Friday, March 14, 2008

Great Customer Service

Back in late January, I pre-ordered Battlestar Galactica Season Three on DVD from, at which time it was set to be released two months later, on March 25th.

Last night, I received an e-mail informing me that BSG S3 had been shipped to me. I thought that was kind of strange, since it was only March 13th and the last I'd heard, the DVD wasn't due out for nearly two weeks. I went to to check out the current status, and the release date had indeed been updated... to March 18th! Since this was still several days in the future, I remained perplexed about how the DVD was already on its way to me. So much so, in fact, that I worried that some snafu had occurred and maybe it was Season Two that was winging its way here.

Today, when we got home from work, there was BSG S3 waiting for us in our mailbox! (It was a nice surprise birthday present for Vicki, in that sense.) Even right now, when I check various sites, the third season continues to show a launch date of next Tuesday. So we received it four days ahead of the official release date, which is just plain awesome!

On the other end of spectrum is the non-appearance of my previous softcover order from Lulu. I had hoped that it might arrive in less than a week like the first one had, but as of right now it hasn't even been printed, and I ordered it last Saturday. So I guess this one's just going to take longer. Oh well.

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