Saturday, May 31, 2008

Apparently ED Watches Stanley Cup Hockey

As we roll into the third period of tonight's Game 4 between Detroit and Pittsburgh (with the Red Wings leading 2-1 in the series, and now leading the game 2-1 early in the 3rd), it's becoming obvious that Viagra is a major sponsor of the program! I'm talking half a dozen commercials per hour, all of them featuring people of advancing age (older, even, than me!) who suddenly decide to have sex. Since it's sometimes the woman initiating matters, I guess that means the little blue pill that the old dude took awhile earlier has finally kicked in and he's got an erection that his 60-something wife can hear throbbing all the way across the room.

I don't know... hockey fans and Viagra? It used to be beer and car commercials almost exclusively... does this mean that the NHL playoffs have jumped the shark?


Anonymous said...

Oh Matt matt matt....what a title.

cjguerra said...

I can't believe you don't remember the Guy Lafeur ads! Guy was on talking about ED before viagra was on the market! So I'd say ED (and male hair colour products) have a long hockey tradition.