Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The Biggest Comic News Ever

Today I told the owner of my local comic store - the store of which I've been a faithful customer for over two decades now - that I'm seriously considering kicking the weekly comic buying habit. Those who recall me talking about writing an Agile book, or have followed with rapt attention the intensity to which I've taken up blogging, will realize that I don't "seriously consider" things lightly.

I've only gotten to this point once before in my life that I can remember, and that was during university when money was very tight. This time, it's not something that's being financially-driven at all, but rather just a lack of enthusiasm toward the fare that DC and Marvel are putting out right now. (And yes, I do know that there are other comic publishers out there besides the Big Two, and I even buy some of their stuff... but I'm a mainstream superhero fan if I'm anything, so when that genre's not turning my crank, it's over!)

I haven't established any kind of timeframe for this major change of lifestyle yet, but it feels like something that I should do before year-end. And I'm not silly enough to think I'll stop completely ("cold turkey" as the kids fond of heroin would say). I figure I'll simply forgo the weekly trip to the comic store and opt for irregular purchases when the spirit moves me. Even just imagining it seems weird right now.


Anonymous said...

whoa nelly!

Kimota94 aka Matt aka AgileMan said...

Finally a response appropriate for the magnitude of the news!

As I said to someone recently, on this topic, imagine if you were considering the prospect of no longer dressing yourself, and you'll get an idea of just how significant a change this represents. I've probably been buying comics on a weekly basis almost as long as I've been deciding what clothes to put on each day...

Anonymous said...

I'm still in shock that it is even being considered. Don't know if I should be supportive of stopping or not stopping! I don't really want to outlive you and have to deal with the comics so that would imply that you have to sell more than you buy at some point.....but Tammy's "whoa nelly" does seems to be the right response!