Saturday, May 31, 2008

Printer Saga Ends Without Bloodshed

Thanks to a kindly co-worker with a family member who works at an electronics store, Vicki and I were able to get the right USB 2.0 cable that was needed to connect our new printer to Vicki's PC for about 10% of what The Source by Circuit City was going to charge us. Today we did our first ever print job on it (the current output from the Meal Planner) and were happy to discover that the new device executes at about five to ten times the speed of the one it replaced... very nice upgrade, indeed!

All of that comes only 7 short days after we bought the new printer! :-P

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And it scans and new fangled is that?
At least we think it does if maybe you take that white cord with the funny ends and plug it in somewhere?