Sunday, May 25, 2008

Zengaku Fun

AgileBoy, bless his sidekick heart, has crafted up a very nice website that generates a new Zengaku puzzle (like Sodoku, but slightly different) for you every day, which you can fill in right there on the screen! It has the added bonus of a verification feature, cell-by-cell, which you can use to ensure that you're on the right path.

I just filled today's out (took me close to an hour, I think, although I wasn't timing myself) and only verified each answer once I believed there was only one possible value for that cell (and each time, I was correct). I really appreciated the ability to fill in my answers without having to print anything off, and that I could verify each answer that I believed to be right (rather than worrying that I might be building upon a bad premise, as has happened to me in the past). It made for a very fun experience, and I encourage you to check it out if you like that sort of thing.


Anonymous said...

For the record, that's just a beta version of the interactive puzzle. It doesn't change everyday, it's always the same one. I'm slowly putting it all together and should have interactive puzzles within the next month or so on the main website:

Anonymous said...

Ah the things you guys do in your spare time.

Kimota94 aka Matt aka AgileMan said...

The link in the body of the post has been updated to the right location now (the one I go to every day for my Zengaku fix!)