Friday, October 03, 2008

AgileMan Takes The Day Off... Matt Does Not!

We had a big ol' messy leak show up in the roof of our shed last month, but with the back pain I'd been in over the past week I'd almost convinced myself that we'd pay someone else to deal with it. It's a pretty small job (only 170 sq ft) but our bad neighbours' trees, vines and bushes right behind the shed had grown over the back half of the roof, meaning that someone first needed to clear all that away (in order to be able to work on the shingles). Even just that part of the job was daunting, when it hurt to exist!

This morning, for no discernible reason, I woke up feeling great, full of energy and convinced that I should just stop procrastinating and get 'er done! Vicki was somewhat surprised at my about-face, but keen, as always, to help out. So we spent part of the day clearing away a huge pile of branches and vines, and then another couple hours laying down several rows of shingles. I'd say the job is about 1/3 of the way done now, and we've quit for the day. Hopefully tomorrow and Sunday will be enough to finish it off, and then I can stop worrying and feeling guilty about not taking on a job that I should rightfully be able to do myself.

Total for the DIY effort so far: $148 in shingles and nails. We'll see what we're up to by the time it's complete, though!

As for progress on More Real-Life Adventures of AgileMan (Year Two: Easier Said Than Done), I completed 3 more Issues this week (#s 23, 24 and 25)... which means that I have 7 more to go, if my current calculations are right. That probably works out to 2 or 3 more weeks on Draft # 1, and then maybe another week or two bringing it up to 2nd Draft quality. I can almost see the light at the end of the tunnel!

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