Monday, October 20, 2008

I Get It Now: Hiro Is Wile E. Coyote

Tonight's episode of Heroes, while still chock-a-block full of things that made me cringe, was still better than anything that preceded it this season. It had the usual problem of too many characters acting stupidly when it services the plot, and enough coincidences to choke a horse. On the positive side, though, lots of plot advancement was delivered, and not all of it was gibberish.

But all of that pales beside the realization that I had tonight about Hiro: he isn't just written like a moron, he's actually the personification of a cartoon character! Tonight he was clearly (and very humourously) Wile E. Coyote, what with his repeated attempts to catch the future-painter only to get whacked from behind by his prey. All that was missing was him holding up a sign that read, "Help!" just before the shovel came down on his skull. I think in previous episodes he's probably also been cartoonish, with perhaps a bit of Elmer Fudd here and a touch of the Tasmanian Devil there. I guess if you can get your head around that, and not be bothered by the fact that he's a caricature interacting with people who are supposed to seem real (sort of like Who Framed Roger Rabbit?, for those with long memories), then maybe it works better.

Now if only someone can explain to be how Traci has only just recently discovered her Ice Maiden powers, despite having them since childhood and them being triggered by extreme emotions (just what kind of Life has she had that she's never been angry before?)...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I had a similar reaction to Heroes this week. It was way better than the last few and the plot advancement was interesting. It also thought there was less characters being dumb than I'm used to seeing.

Maybe they are just getting over the shortened season 2?