Wednesday, October 08, 2008

The End Is Nigh

I had a big burst of (probably, pent-up) creative energy today, and knocked off nearly two full Issues of More Real-Life Adventures of AgileMan (Year Two: Easier Said Than Done). Not only that, but I'm close enough to wrapping it up now that I can clearly see the finish line! I expect that the first draft should be in the drawer by sometime early in the week after next (or even late next week, if I really go nuts). It's funny, but these later Issues are the ones that I've been most looking forward to writing, and so now that I'm there, they're flying off my fingertips. I guess in some ways I've already composed parts of them in my head over the past three months, so maybe it's not all that surprising.

Nice of baseball to wrap up their Divisional Series early, as it turns out... gave me more head space for other things yesterday and today!

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