Monday, October 20, 2008

Getting Up Early Sucks

I got woken up shortly after 8:00 a.m. today, when someone called the Executive Vice President of the local women's club that Vicki's the EVP of... meaning, they called here! At 8:00 a.m.!!

Normally I would've just gone back to bed after that rude awakening, but since I was meeting someone downtown for lunch today anyway, I figured that I'd get up at a half-decent hour for a change. Ever since, though, I've felt like I used to for all those years of working: tired and totally lacking in energy! I've gotten awfully used to getting adequate amounts of sleep over the past 2 and a half months now, and so it was an interesting flashback to the bad old days today. It's hard to believe I operated that way for so long, but I guess you just get caught up in the rat race and don't realize how bad it is... until it's over.

Anyway, that's my news (such as it is).

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