Friday, March 28, 2008

Nothing To See Here! Move Along!

I'm sure that the wives must've won at Bridge tonight, and yet, once again, my card-playing companions insist upon claiming that AgileBoy and I prevailed for, what, the fifth time in a row? It was a very surreal experience - again! - as this time I was playing on about 2 hours sleep (last night): I lost track of what was trump (once) and also trumped my own partner's trick (once) in a situation where playing it correctly would've made the difference between victory and defeat in that particular hand. Yes, I played that badly! When the others started up a third game (or leg or rubber or whatever) I hung on for one more hand but then had to beg off as I could barely think straight.

Most of the lost sleep this week can be laid at the feet of my job, meaning that I really need to start letting go. It's not worth the cost when I feel like I'm fighting a losing battle most days anyway. Repeat after me: "It's only a job! It doesn't really matter." That's the place I need to get to. And really, that's where everyone should live, anyway. I just have trouble getting there sometimes.


Anonymous said...

2 hours of sleep? Man you played well! I would have screwed up every hand.

As Obi-wan said, "Let go your feelings" (or something like that)...

So you're attacking the Death Star, and now you're turning off your targeting computer...

Anonymous said...

"It's only a job! It doesn't really matter."

Anonymous said...

"It's only a game! It doesn't really matter." Everyone has trumped their partner's trick...except the pros...but that is what makes them the pros! They also count cards...and I mean all the suits, not just trump. Imagine that!