Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Apparently, I Didn't Stink

... at Bridge, that is. The Masters of Agility - AgileMan and his faithful sidekick, AgileBoy - were able to defeat their spouses in a best-two-out-of-three Bridge match of some variety. I don't pretend to understand how the scoring works - there are points above the line, and points below the line, and legs, and penalties, and all kinds of complicated counting systems that I left up to the other three to figure out - but, much like a post-stroke Hollywood octogenarian who's just been told that he's receiving an Honourary Oscar, I just smiled feebly at the end and mumbled a few words that could've meant anything.

The best part of the evening came when Mrs AgileBoy expressed genuine surprise upon learning that tonight had been the first time I'd ever played the game. I guess all those hours of watching Charles Goren's Championship Bridge on TV over the past couple weeks did some good, after all! I was still the weakest player at the table, by far, but at least I didn't completely embarrass myself (I hope).


Anonymous said...

Wow nicely done! And the big question, did you enjoy yourself? Will you play again?

Anonymous said...

We all want to know!

We had a great time. My favourtie comment of the night (again from Mrs. AgileBoy) "You're pulling trump?!? Oh sure, now that you're not my partner anymore you actually know how to play!"

Anonymous said...

Fun time by all...you could almost see the sweat on Matt's face as he kept mentally saying "Maybe the Jack of spades is really a club"