Monday, January 28, 2008

Writers Round Table

I'm always intrigued by stuff like this in which several creators take turns adding just a little bit each to an organic story that's allowed to go wherever "it" chooses. In the preceding case, it's an online comic strip being produced by a group of 7 cartoonists and they chose a murder mystery as their motif. I've also seen it done with a full blown, 12-issue printed comic title called DC Challenge published in the mid-1980s, in which a different creative team produced each issue and had to figure out where to take the story based on where the previous issue left off.

I've long wanted to do something like that for a short story, and may've even mentioned it on this blog, many months ago (can't find the reference now, though). Based on the generally low output being experienced on The Studio collaborative blog of ours, I suspect that it'd be hard to get enough other people to be not only interested but also participatory in any such thing. But I still think it would be fun, if we could ever pull it off..

1 comment:

cjguerra said...

I'd love to do that. It works really well with the way I write (and think). I've enthusiastically responded to this idea in the past, but I haven't seen any one else volunteer...

I haven't been around on the various blog sites because of my computer issues, but that will soon be rectified.