Wednesday, September 03, 2008

An Amazing Intersection of Music and Comics (Sort Of)

Imagine my surprise and delight when the name "Radiohead" showed up on Newsarama - a comic book news site - this afternoon! This write-up, detailing the band's involvement with a contest to incent animators to create short features related to their latest release, In Rainbows, lead me to check out not only the four winning videos, but some of the others, as well. The diversity among the styles, approaches and pure artistic vision exhibited by the animators just blew me away! Leave it to the boys in Radiohead to be leading the way in something that brings out the best in so many talented people...

Of the videos I've watched so far, I'd say that "Reckoner," one of the four to be awarded $10,000 by the band, is my favourite. It seems like the best blending of an original idea with the music that it's tied to. But they've all been interesting!

[Update: The video entitled "Preston, Preston" which you can find on the page containing the entire set, is absolutely stunning in its visuals, and I'd dearly have loved to have seen it win some money, just so that it would get finished... Wow!]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These are freakin cool!