Friday, September 12, 2008

This Week's AgileMan Progress Update

I think I completed 4 Issues (chapters) of the new AgileMan book over the past week, but it's hard to tell because I didn't post any progress update here at the end of last week! At any rate, I'm through 15 Issues now, and it feels like I'm about 40 - 50% of the way home. I just finished what I think of as the second arc of the book, with two more to go: one that I'm guessing will be almost as many words as I've written to-date, and then a much shorter wrap-up set of Issues.

I'm really enjoying the challenge of coming up with Issue titles, much like I did with the first book. I've been mostly keeping them under wraps, but sometimes I'm just so happy with what I eventually decide upon that I have to share it with Boneman over Instant Messenger. The one that tickled my funny bone (no pun intended!) the most this week was: "Houston, We Have A Problem!" Feel free to discuss amongst yourselves what you think that might refer to in the context of this book!

I also heard today from someone at another local software office that he saw a copy of the book in their library. At first I was shocked to learn this, but then I remembered that my buddy Andrew (at work) had recommended The Real-Life Adventures of AgileMan (Lessons Learned in Going Agile) to some friends of his, who I believe work at that same location. So what had initially seemed miraculous is probably "merely" the result of having good friends. Which I do!

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