Friday, September 05, 2008

It's Funny How Not Earning Any Money Can Make You Cheap

I've noticed, in the five weeks that I've been unemployed (so far), that I'm suddenly more interested in saving money on my purchases. I wanted to get a really cheap laptop, and so I was happy to spend $474 (with tax and shipping) rather than the $700+ that I'd originally expected to pay. I've been buying video games, DVDs and books at about the same rate as I was before I quit my job, but now I'm timing more of these impulse splurges to sales, or waiting until I have "reward points" to use to reduce the cost.

To her credit, Vicki has always operated that way, to a greater degree than I ever did, at least. She would buy extra cans of soup when they were on sale, or hold out for a Double Points Day in order to maximize the value of the kickback systems on her credit cards. It's not something I usually worried about emulating, but now I'm finding that it's good for my peace of mind to be able say, "Hey, check it out: I just bought Lost Planet for the 360 and it cost me less than $21, taxes included!"

Given the logistics of my childhood, I was probably born to be cheap... it's just that now I have a legitimate reason for it!

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