Tuesday, September 30, 2008

But It's Not My Birthday!

Today, as Vicki and I were strolling through the grocery store, we both stopped dead in our tracks when we saw a big display of the 1.5 L jars of Bicks dill pickles (with garlic)! Why should something like that nearly take our breath away? Well, cue the flashback music and effects...

More than a decade ago (we weren't even yet in a house with a pool), all of the grocery stores for hundreds of kilometres around us stopped carrying that particular product. You could still find the 1 L jars, and those have kept me going, lo these many years. But in the 1.5 L version, the pickles are much larger; in fact, you probably actually get fewer pickles in the 1.5 L jar than comes in the 1 L jar, because the big ones are just that much bigger! To understand why that makes a difference... aw, who am I kidding? You'll never understand it! (Let's just go with: size matters, and you can make up your own phallic joke!)

But what's important is that we haven't been able to find the big jars for over 10 years, and suddenly today: there they were! A whole display of them! We grabbed four jars (all we could carry, as we'd walked there) and hope to pick up some more over the next few days. It actually feels just a little like Christmas morning around here right now...

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