Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Comics That Make You Go, "Huh??"

First off, here's what I liked about Amazons Attack # 1, which came out last week or the week before: the art is pretty good, the events in it were quite shocking, and it had enough DC Universe cameos (eg. Batman, Black Lightning) to make me all shivery in my Superfriends Underoos. So I'll definitely be buying # 2 when it comes out later this month.

But what really struck me was how strange the storyline was! Admittedly, right now I'm 2 issues behind in the regular Wonder Woman series - they're right there in the bedroom, just waiting to be read - and maybe I wouldn't be so out of it if that weren't the case. But bear with me as I enumerate the ways in which I was confused:

1) Wonder Woman's mother, Hippolyta, died a few years ago. Apparently, she's now not only back among the living, but also has been brainwashed/conned by the evil sorceress Circe into believing that her daughter Diana (WW) is a prisoner in Man's World and needs rescuing/avenging.

2) As a result, rather than attempting any form of diplomacy like, I don't know, contacting anyone in Man's World, Hippolyta instead launches a fullscale war against mankind without warning!

3) Despite being armed with swords, bows and arrows, and apparently a few cave trolls left over from Lord of the Rings, the Amazons are somehow a serious threat to the U.S. And really, all the American government can possibly counter with are 21st century artillery like fighter jets and tanks, about a million superheroes, and.. oh yeah, a whole bunch of nuclear bombs.

4) When the attacking Amazons arrive in Washington, D.C., they begin indiscriminately killing innocent bystanders, such as a dad and his small son who are visiting the Lincoln Memorial. And then, in case that didn't seem insane enough, they slice the head off of Lincoln's statue! I must've missed those tactics in How To Make War For Dummies.

5) These are the same Amazons who sent Diana out into Man's World to teach them about peace, right? Is war the new peace?

Anyway, I can't remember the last time a comic jarred me as much as this one did. Before it arrived, I wasn't even really sure I was going to buy the whole mini-series - this was just # 1 of 6! - but I thought I'd at least give it a try. It's definitely got my attention now.

And I guess I can add this to the still-growing list of war-themed comic series Marvel and DC are cranking out right now.

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