Sunday, April 22, 2007

If You Could Change Anything In Your Workplace...

... what would it be?

Since many of you work in the same place I do - while others work elsewhere, or don't work at all - I'm throwing this open to anyone who's comfortable in providing an answer. Imagine you've got a magic wand and could change one thing, intended to make it a better place (not just to get yourself rich), what would you change?

The introduction of Agile has at least started to address some of the issues that used to bug me about my own work environment. So right now I'd have to say that I'd improve things by introducing a rule whereby all executives have to spend one day each month doing something in the office that's well outside their normal activities, and then report on it in a blog or newsletter. Having such a thing in place would force the most influential people in our company to step outside their hectic but removed routine on a regular basis, and I can't help but believe they'd all gain a better appreciation for some of the realities that they're currently oblivious to, or in denial of. I can just imagine how interesting it would be to have the president, or any of the VPs, spend a full day on a Feature Team, for example, or helping debug a problem in the field.

Possibly this should be extended to all management, not just the exec team, but I'd be willing to start small!


Anonymous said...

Increased recognition of the fact that there's value in learning about, applying and adapting things that are going on in the outside world; that it's not necessary to reinvent wheels simply because they're NIH. There needs to be more participation in the club and less growing away from the world.

That, and to get folks to understand more than the basic checkout/checkin mechanics of SCM, which sounds selfish but really isn't.

Anonymous said...

I think it's a great idea to step out of the typical 'comfort' zone at any time. To validate 'good practices' or to consider new ones. The opportunity to learn new things never stops!

Even to consider it externally vs. internally. Having a job swap for a day with another company that is agile in the community would be an eye-opener, I am sure.

LaurieM said...

If I could wave a magic wand, I'd have the whole company working on just one thing, instead of the four or five (or more?) we have right now. It's frustrating to keep having people shuffled around as priorities change and it's so confusing to keep track of all the trials and products, especially with all the multiple names they've got!