Thursday, April 26, 2007

Little Known Art House Film Debuts Next Week

It's an old story, about a boy, and a girl, and the boy's doting aunt, and another boy, and another girl, and a third boy made out of sand, and yet another boy with daddy issues, and all of the boys like to dress up in funny costumes, and all of the girls can never stay out trouble for long and need lots of rescuing...

What say? Anyone want to skip out of work next Friday and go check out this indy pic?

(People notorious for talking too much need not apply!)

(Just kidding.)



cjguerra said...

I see... I guess - I... well...

Okay, I'm at a loss for words. I would like to see this film. I've thought (not said - never said) that no one knows if you don't say anything...

Perhaps you can create some sort of Agilistic lesson out of such a venture?

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a perfect example of self-organization to me!