Man from Mars doesn't like the title but how can you not adore that retro logo? It's the 1980s all over again, people!
A blog site for Kimota94 (that's me) to use for topics that interest me. Those topics originally included: comic books, Major League Baseball, the music and genius of Peter Gabriel and Magnolia Electric Company, the odd work-related topic like Agile Project Delivery, and any other little thing that comes to mind on any given day. Lately, it's mostly been that last one!
How exciting!
I wonder if Spielberg will ever read my letter...
Oh, I'm sure he did... in fact, I'll bet he and Sayles are currently huddled together, figuring out how best to use those crackerjack geniuses over at The Studio Has A Few Notes blog!
Indy is going to bust a meth lab? Hmm, I didn't see that one coming.
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