Monday, November 24, 2008

Just A Bit Under The Weather

I've been feeling increasingly lousy over the past couple of days, possibly aggravated by my extended stay in the (quite cold) basement all day yesterday while I toiled to get the 2 new books through the publishing cycle. This morning I got up at a fairly early hour for me (around 9:00), but then by noon I zonked out on the couch for a two and a half hour nap... which I apparently needed! I haven't got a fever or nausea, but just don't seem quite up to par at the moment. It's weird not having to worry about work in this situation (for decades, I've had to have the whole "should I call in sick?" debate) but also good, in that I could just focus on taking it easy without experiencing any degree of guilt, for a change.

With book-writing concerns out of the way (at least temporarily), I also decided that I should pick up on my fiction reading, which had fallen by the wayside recently. I've started in on The Hammer of God, by Arthur C. Clarke, and hope to tackle Gun, With Occasional Music by Jonathan Lethem, as well. There's nothing quite like the enjoyment of being able to just kick back and read a good book or two!

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