Friday, November 21, 2008

Yes We Can Make The World A Better Place?

There's an interesting (and relatively short) article at the Freakonomics blog on the question of "How aggressively will Obama's administration tackle environmental issues?"

I liked how the first sentence reads, "Very, it would seem." They go on to make the case that some of the President-Elect's early decisions seem to suggest that he isn't going to take the safer approach of avoiding the environmental concerns during this time of economic downturn.

The more I hear about Barack Obama, the more I can't help but see him in a role that some of us might recognize. It's the person who arrives on a project that's been running adrift for ages, filled with morale problems and a lack of clear vision, and who then quietly takes charge and begins fixing all of the many areas that have been ignored in the time leading up to his or her arrival, even while many of the "experts" claim that nothing can be done. I've seen that sort of thing before, in the workplace, and it's truly wondrous to observe. I hope that it turns out that's the type of leader that President Obama will be for our neighbours to the south, and by extension, for much of the rest of the world.


Don Hey said...

The first Agile president?

Anonymous said...

Interesting collection of comments to that post on Freakonomics. It is still very polarizing and Obama will not have any easy time of it.