Friday, December 12, 2008

I Couldn't Have Put It Better Myself

Once in a while you read something that perfectly sums up your feelings on a topic that you've never been able to quantify in your own mind. This great article, entitled "Why I'm Worried About (The) Watchmen (Movie)," hits all of the notes that have been rumbling around in my brain, unformed but undeniable, as I've watched each new Watchmen trailer roll out.

One of Alan Moore's greatest accomplishments in Watchmen was his masterful use of irony, but as David Pepose points out in the link above, director Zack Snyder may not have... well, gotten that. In which case, Watchmen the film may end up being the equivalent of watching an IMAX production of Catch-22, as interpreted by a teenager as a pro-war treatise...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the shout-out!