Wednesday, December 10, 2008

It's Almost Time For Angel To Get Lost

We've been slowly working our way through Angel Season 4 on DVD (thanks to Tammy), and I have to say that it was a bit of a snoozer... until we were about 1/3 of the way through. At that point, one of the creepier subplots started up - Cordelia and Connor getting a little too close for anyone's comfort - and I really thought that the show had jumped the shark. But that disturbing development lead into what, it turns out, was the main story of that season, which is the arrival of a big, powerful "beast" who was in fact just the lackey of some evil thing even more threatening. Vicki and I have both really enjoyed the show since that started up, despite the Cordy-Connor ickiness (which may turn out to have a good explanation) and the show's repeated reliance on "Oh no, will our hero have to kill the woman he loves in order to save the world?" baloney. I guess it inherited that crutch from Buffy, seeing as they used it at least a couple of times there that I can think of off the top of my head! But regardless: things are more interesting now!

It's good that we're motoring through the last 2/3 of the season, though, as today I brought home Lost Season 4. Despite the fact that we've already seen all of the episodes (unlike with Angel), I'm already jazzed at the mere thought of diving back into them prior to the show's return on Jan 21st (just six weeks from tonight, I believe). We'll be starting that up sometime next week, I expect, as we only have four or five Angels left to go. As good as Sarah Connor has become, Battlestar Galactica has remained, and Fringe may turn out to be, there's just nothing else on TV that quite compares to Lost. And we've still got two seasons to go!

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