Saturday, December 20, 2008

Lost Season Four... Just As Great The Second Time Through

As Season Four of Lost was proceeding last Winter and Spring, I felt that it was perhaps its best season since the first one. But I never really like to stick my neck out too far about such things until I get a chance to re-examine the evidence, so to speak.

As of tonight, we're five episodes through the Season Four DVD set, and it's every bit as impressive as I remembered! I loved "The Constant" even more this time around (a little pun there), but also truly adored "Eggtown" with its last second reveal that had all of our heads spinning last February. I think it's really in Season Four that you start to see the framework of the show for the first time, and that's a good thing when you consider just how much criticism was launched against Lost early on for "not providing enough answers to mysteries." Anyone who's been watching through four seasons so far and still feels cheated should probably consider sticking to "Reality TV" or sitcoms from now on, as Lost has delivered on so many of its promises by this point that it's hard to believe that they'll be able to keep the pace up for another 35 hours or so.

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