Sunday, November 19, 2006

If You Do This, Please Stop!

OK, in actual fact, I don't care if you keep doing it, but I do think it's just kind of retarded (where retarded means stupid-as-done-by-someone-who-should-know-better, not as a commentary on people who are actually mentally retarded and doing the best they can in life).

To what am I referring? People who write (or worse, say): "I heart ______."

As a symbol, a heart works great. We all know that if someone puts the heart symbol between two things, it denotes love or strong affection. It's a good short form, like putting a circle around something with a slash through it means "not allowed."

But when you take a symbol that represented a word and start saying the symbol, it just shows you don't get it. Oh, sure, you're trying to be trendy, I get that. But unlike most slang, this one's just dumb. For one thing, the word heart has more letters in it than love! So you've taken a short form and actually bastardized it to the point where it's not even doing what it was intended for. What next? Saying "Eee dot gee dot" instead of "for example"?

And of course the other sad aspect of it is how quickly it became dated, and how many people persisted in using it after it was already passe, as such things always are by the time they reach the general public.

So remember: you may like my blog, you may even love my blog, but please, under no circumstances should you ever think anything as moronic as that you heart my blog. It's just not allowed around here... ;-) We require at least a modicum of common sense, after all.


Anonymous said...

Oh shush, it's not that bad. I definitely do this, and I also say LOL sometimes, not even intentionally. I like saying I heart something because it actually has a different conotation than I love something, it's a more casual way to put it. It's funny to use sort of the "internet valley girl" slang sometimes, partially as a way of mocking it. Haha, I do not heart this entry!

Kimota94 aka Matt aka AgileMan said...

I despair for our species somedays.......