Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Last Night's Heroes Was Especially Entertaining!

Spoilers ahead for those who haven't seen the episode yet!

I couldn't exactly put my finger on how, or why, but partway through the episode I just felt that it was extra specially satisfying last night! Could be the fact that I'm now Lost-less and therefore all the more desperate for great, serialized TV! But instead I think they pulled out a lot of stops for the show this week, and there was an amped-up ad campaign ("Save the cheerleader. Save the world!") that may've been more than just hype for a change. Some of the plot twists were a little too easy to spot (Peter P painted "dead" but of course he's going to have absorbed Claire's recuperative powers; the kid from Mohinder's dream leading him to decide to follow his father's path) but others worked really well for me. I'm intrigued as to why Charlie (is that the waitress' name?) is still dead if Hiro successfully made it to the past to warn her? It smells like potentially bad Time Travel to me, but I trust the show enough to give them the benefit of the doubt for now and see how it plays out. And Peter's words to Claire, "It gets better," were moving (to me) and seemed to establish a connection between them that I hope they build on. He's still young enough to remember the pain of high school, and she's mature enough already to maybe not automatically discount anything said by anyone over the age of 18!

All around excellent episode that prompted me, right around the point of that ineffable sensation of satisfaction I mentioned above, to say to Vicki, "You do realize I'll be buying Season 1 of this on DVD when it comes out, right?" And she just smiled.

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