Just one day after Boneman and I were talking about how great it is to win your first Deathmatch game in Resistance: Fall of Man, and how sure I was that he'd get to have that experience before too long.. this happens!
In case you can't read it or make much sense out of it, Boneman8 won the game (finished 1st), with a score of 254 and 23/15 kills/deaths tally (or, +8). He tells me this was on BusYards, which is a fun map because it's fairly self-contained so you're never far from the action. Boneman also recounted how, as the game progressed, he kept noticing that he had the same score as the leader, and thought that was pretty coincidental... until he figured out he was leading! Then of course he started to feel the pressure one always feels when leading, especially because you can't see how far behind you the 2nd place person is...
Pretty nice way to start out on a new System Update and Game Update, as this was the first game he played after downloading both of those last night.
And for the record: he was a 2-pip Colonel when he got his first win.
The sweet taste of victory is still lingering on my lips!! Hopefully this is a sign of things to come (more wins..or at least, higher finishes with a positive kill/death ratio!
Hooked on....nope not phonics!
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