Monday, March 12, 2007

Special Black Armband Comic Trivia Quiz - The Answers

To see the answers to our very own death-themed comic trivia quiz, just click on the comments link below.

Blog Points awarded:

PeterJ - 2 BPs (#s 1 & 2)
Jimmy - 3 BPs (#s 1, 2 & half points for "big alien" and getting Bucky right but for the wrong question)
Tammy - 1 BP (# 1)
Vicki - 3 BPs (#s 1, 4 & 7)
Tim (late, as usual) - 3 BPs (#s 1, 2 & 5)

No one got #s 3, 6 or 8 correct, which is a bit higher than usual.


Kimota94 aka Matt aka AgileMan said...

1) Uncle Ben, as pretty much everyone in the universe knows

2) Steve Rogers - I wondered who wouldn't know this during the week when his name was all over the news. Answer: some of you, apparently..

3) Doomsday, which turned out to be a Hell of lot harder for people than I ever thought it would be! What are they teaching in school these days?

4) Green Lantern - I don't usually do multiple choice, but thought I'd throw one in.. Atom got his powers from a white dwarf star fragment, and Flash from a lightning bolt striking a shelf of chemicals, whereas Hal Jordan was handed his Green Lantern ring by alien Abin Sur, moments before Sur died. As Vicki mentioned, GLs always get their rings when the former wearer dies (what crazy succession planning!)

5) Captain Marvel - he's the other big Marvel captain, and died of cancer over two decades ago before being abruptly brought back via time travel in the midst of Civil War, in what many fans are considering the worst plot development in years

6) Bucky Barnes, who came back into the Marvel universe just in time to... oh, I don't know, maybe take over the Captain America identity??

7) Inhabit the bodies of others, which is a damn cool power, when you think about it (the sexual possibilities alone boggle my mind) but also comes with the slight downside that he had to die in order to get the ability...

8) Challengers of the Unknown - four men, all living on borrowed time, and having adventures together!

Anonymous said...

SOOOOORRRY for not reading your Blog, and pressing the refresh icon every 10 seconds.

- (a continually late to the quizzes) Tim

So what was the Suicide Squad? I was sure I had that one right!!!!