Friday, March 30, 2007

Buffy Meets Batman?

The latest rumour circulating around The Dark Knight film has Sarah Michelle Gellar appearing in some capacity. This seems strange to me, as I'd think that, if she's trying to distance herself from the Buffy label, doing a genre film like this wouldn't be the best way to do it! Of course, on the other hand, she's not exactly set the world afire with her post-Buffy stuffy -- umm, stuff!

Of course, it's only a rumour so far.

(And Bruce could totally take Buffy in a fight... don't kid yourself!)


Tammy said...

Buffy could soooo kick Batman's ass, he's a mere mortal! LOL to "stuffy"

Kimota94 aka Matt aka AgileMan said...

You need to read more comics, kid. Batman's taken down his share of superhumans, including Superman and Dracula, just to name a couple.