Saturday, March 24, 2007

C'mon People! Make With The Suggestions!!

Is it really that hard to come up with a few good ideas, as asked for here?

I really expected better from you all...


Anonymous said...

I think it's just that no one can top my opening salvo. :-P

Howzabout a story involving Vicki---herself or a character with that name (or both... hmmm...)---and a character, real or imagined, of her choice?

Tammy said...

Mmm I think either a favorite real story about mommy (or a few short ones), or some sort of list involving her.

Anonymous said...

The problem is that you are insisting on good ideas which is having the immediate effect of quartering your potential input.

Or something.

Anonymous said...

I have never heard you talk about Battlestar Galatica, yet in reading all the reviews it seems to be a sci-fi right up your alley:

- Pretty robots/aliens
- Long running story lines
- complicated plots that have a current day political message.

Personally, I have NEVER seen it, due to not having every tv channel known to man, but I always expected you to be a fan.

So, if you have seen it, explain why you don't like it. If you have not, maybe make a list of what is on your pop-culture to-absorb list.

cac said...

How about Matt's suggestions for good reality TV shows. Ones that he would consider watching.