Thursday, March 08, 2007

Last Night's Lost

I thoroughly enjoyed this week's episode, "Enter 77." The revelation that the Others are rivals, as it were, to the Dharma Initiative crew, was interesting, as somewhere in the back of my mind I think I'd always assumed they were one and the same. Also, the fact that the Others have been on the island since before Dharma got there puts things in a different perspective.

Will the naysayers pipe up with, "But they didn't resolve any mysteries!"? Perhaps. I was personally more drawn into the question, "When did Saiyid lie? When he said he hadn't tortured the woman... or when he said he had?" If he lied initially, then he did it to try to save his own skin... if he did it during his private session with the wife, then quite possibly he did it more for her, in order to give her some closure and move on. That's the kind of thing I love about how this show is written... it provokes so much thinking!

And a whole week (Lost time) with no hilarious nicknames from Sawyer? Say it ain't so! :-)


Tammy said...

I didn't like the flashback so much, but the island stuff was great! I would definitely say that they provided a lot of great mystery detail and outright solved a lot of things to do with who Dharma and the Others were, who eye-patch man was, and if Rousseau is still kicking around (i guess that was 2 eps ago). Anyways definitely satisfied on that front. REALLY been enjoying all the episodes this cycle, feels like they've stepped up their game a bit ... picking up the pace and getting to the good stuff it seems.

Anonymous said...

I think Saiyid has grown a lot since his days in the Republican I tend to believe that he was lying to the wife in the private session to give her closure (as you mentioned). He seems to be a man that is trying to redeem himself from his years as an "interrogator"..but still uses those skills when necessary.

Anonymous said...

Lots of new speculation out there now about the Others being a religious group....creepy.

Anonymous said...
