Monday, March 05, 2007

Five Off, Then Five On

Following tonight's slam bang episode of Heroes, we get five re-runs before they finish with five consecutive new ones before wrapping up Season 1. I also read somewhere recently that we shouldn't assume the characters from the first season will be the ones featured in the second, which is a pretty bold approach to take, if true. As Vicki said, it really means they could kill everyone off if they wanted to. I doubt they'd go that far, but I guess we won't know until May.

There was certainly no shortage of surprises in tonight's 19th installment, from Mother Petrelli's involvement and the revelation that Linderman knows everthing, to Hiro and Ando's chilling trip to a bombed-out New York City and the predicament Mohinder and Peter found themselves in as the episode ended. I wouldn't say it was on a par with last week's, but still very good.

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