Friday, March 09, 2007

Special Black Armband Comic Trivia Quiz

First, a moment of silence in honour of our fallen soldier, Captain America.

Thank you.

Today's quiz is all about deaths in the comics, and promises certifiably worthless Blog Points for every right answer, between now and midnight Sunday (assuming we all survive Bush's mini-Y2K this weekend!) As always, answer from memory or don't answer at all!

1) Whose death lead to Peter Parker using his powers for good instead of personal gain?

2) Gone but not forgotten: What was the secret identity of Captain America, prior to his untimely death?

3) Who killed Superman in 1993? (Name the character, not the writer or editor!)

4) Which one of the following DC Comics Silver Age superheroes features a significant death scene in their origin story: Atom, Flash or Green Lantern? Bonus Blog Point: Name or describe the character who died.

5) Whose death was the title of one of Marvel Comics' earliest graphic novels, only to have him return recently during the Civil War shenanigans?

6) Speaking of returning from the dead, who duplicated that trick not too long ago and now operates as "the Winter Soldier?"

7) What's the special ability of DC Comics' Deadman?

8) Name the DC Comics foursome who banded together because they'd all cheated death and believed they were living on borrrowed time.


Anonymous said...

1. Uncle Ben
2. Steve Rogers

...and that's all I have the remotest inkling of a clue on.

Jimmy said...

1) His uncle (Ben)
2) Steve Rogers
3) Big alien
4) Flash
5) Bucky
6) ?
7) Communicate with the dead
8) ?

Tammy said...

1. Uncle Ben

Anonymous said...

Not looking to the left...not looking to the left....

1. Uncle Ben
2. Steve?
3. I don't know...isn't it still wrapped in plastic?
4. Green Lantern - guess because isn't a new one appointed when an old one dies?
7. Doesn't he take over others?
8. OK, a DC foursome....I don't know...Defenders?

Fun and hard as always. Glad I didn't miss your deadline

Anonymous said...

) Uncle Ben

2) Steve Rogers , I get confuselled sometimes and think Steve Austin and slow motion ratchet sounds..

3) Some name that invoked destruction or wrecking… or perhaps I’m thinking of the guy who broke Batman’s back.

4) Atom – total guess.

5) Captain Marvel – Didn’t read Civil Wars but am going on the ‘earliest graphic novel’ clue.

6) Burt Ward

7) Communicate with /Read the minds of people who have just died.

8) The Suicide Squad (?)