Thursday, July 05, 2007

Just One More Day

(of work, that is, before my big vacation starts!)

Vicki keeps teasing me that I should be counting down in terms of sleeps (eg. "... only 4 more sleeps until my vacation starts!") but my argument against that is: So, if I don't manage to get any sleep tonight, the number won't go down tomorrow?? The prospect of that happening is enough to keep me awake all night!

Anyway, I started telling people at work that my goal for the week was to throw as many grenades into as many rooms as I could.... before I run away for six weeks! (Boneman in particular enjoyed that metaphor, since he could feel the Resistance: Fall of Man connection!) What I meant, of course, was that I wanted to shake things up enough that maybe - just maybe - a few of the bigger issues in our Agile organization would get some attention even while I was away. I'm more than a little concerned that I'll go back there in late August to find out no progress has been made beyond the usual fire-snuffing that seems to occupy all of management's time.

I was also reminded today of a nice benefit of blogging for months, like I have: when a topic came up that I'd previously blogged about, I was able to do a very quick search and then send the link to it on to the person I'd had the conversation with, as well as a few other people I thought might enjoy reading it. As I've said before, it's very much like having an online diary that you can refer back to anytime you like. (In this case, it was this old chestnut about our entitlement culture, which even got a lengthy comment added to it today by one of the folks I sent the link to!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy vacation!!! Blog more so I can be entertained over here when it is raining (like today). Going to Auschwitz in a couple hours ...