Thursday, December 21, 2006

Global Warming 'Debate' Continues

From our friends in the UK, comes this report on how record-breakingly warm 2006 was in Britain.

350 years of keeping temperature records, and 2006 was the warmest one ever, with a mean temperature more than 1/5 of a Celsius degree over the previous record! Remembering the stat from that Passionate Eye documentary that said the difference between the last Ice Age and the last Tropical Age (when the area now inhabited by NYC was underwater) was on the order of a mere 4 - 6 Celsius degrees, seeing a rise of 0.21 degrees from a three and a half century long record is terrifying! Or, would be, if I didn't believe we deserve to all be wiped out if we can't even keep from turning our own planet against us!

1 comment:

cjguerra said...

You missed a good bit on the "Current" today (cbc radio 1). They talked about how 12 world cup ski races have been canceled because of the weather. One of the early races was moved to north of the arctic circle. If temperatures rise in the Alps as they have for the last 20 years, there'll be 1/3 of the resorts. Places like st. moritz and cortina will no longer have snow.