Friday, December 22, 2006

A Quickie Comic Trivia Quiz

It's been awhile, so here are just a handful of comic head-scratchers.

1) How did Batman's parents die?

2) Who was Peter Parker's first girlfriend?

3) Which hero was always fighting the Melter in the 60s?

4) What colour was Daredevil's original costume?

5) Who were the original 4 members of the Teen Titans, in the story where they used that group name for the first time?

6) Name any four of the six gods who provide their attributes to Billy Batson when he's transformed, via a magic word, into his superheroic form.


Jimmy said...

Just guessing here:

1) Killed by street thugs on the way back from a theatre

2) MJ watson

3) iceman

4) pink - he was blind, right

5) No idea. The Atom, Mall Rat, Brown Noser, and Pimple Kid
6) Thor

Kimota94 aka Matt aka AgileMan said...

Well, you scored a solid 1 out of 6, Jim! I'll try to work in more math-related comic questions next time...