Friday, December 29, 2006

Make It Seven In A Row

Another rousing effort by the boys from Broadway tonight, as they managed to somehow lose to an injury-ridden Ottawa Senators team, 1-0. And yes, that means it's been over 2 games now since they last scored a goal (go, team!)

One more loss, which should come later this weekend, and they'll be back to the way they started the season: just as many losses as wins. And then it only gets worse.

I think being a NY Rangers fan over the past 10 years has got to be one of the most unrewarding sports experiences possible over that stretch. I wonder if any other team has fared as poorly?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If "the last 10 years" could end in 2003, spanning back to even BEFORE 1993, then I would argue the Boston Red Sox were very unsatisfying to watch. Much like your beloved Rangers from 1993 going back to 1983...and earlier.