Thursday, December 28, 2006

The World Outside These Walls

I haven't ventured out of the house since Sunday afternoon, when Vicki and I went for a walk through the neighbourhood while flu-embattled Tammy slept. I love a vacation where I can play the shut-in instead of having to be on the go all of the time.

But today we'll venture out into the cold, cruel world once more. First, Vicki and I have a Future Shop trip planned, to buy a few items that were missed for Christmas, as well as possibly some PS/3-related goodies (despite the console, itself, still being a no-show). We'll also be venturing to the comic store as part of that trip, in the hopes that this week's gigantic load of comics will have arrived today.

Then, after dinner, the current plan is for the three of us to head out for the birthday movie that Tammy missed back in the middle of the month, when she snubbed us for a drunken bash at her apartment (I'd prefer a movie anyday, personally!). I don't think she's picked the movie we're going to see yet, though. After the inane dialogue of Kill Bill Vol 2 last night, I'd be tempted to say anything would be an improvement!


Anonymous said...

Pshaw. Anyways I'm deciding between We Are Marshall, The Good Shepherd and the dark horse candidate Black Christmas! The GS would undoubtedly be the best, but we'd also probably snore our way through it. WAM is some formulaic football fun, and BC is some formulaic santa kills everyone fun! Hmm. Let it be noted that I've seen everything else that's good, and that even if we do see BC this doesn't mean I have horrible taste in movies, ok blogging world?

Kimota94 aka Matt aka AgileMan said...

Methinks the lady doth protest too much! ;-)